Camden, NJ, White Pages

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Camden, NJ, White Pages

Last Updated on September 29, 2021

Located just across the Delaware River, Camden is a city in Camden County, New Jersey. The city is the 12th most populous municipality in New Jersey. It has a total area of 10,34 square miles. 8,92 of this land area and 1,42 square miles is water. Population density is at 8,248.71. Free White Pages Camden can help you located people from here and also find free White Pages New Jersey cities.

Most Common Last Names in Camden, NJ

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Frequently Asked Questions and Answers

What can I find on White Pages?

 White pages offer phone numbers and addresses and full names of the owners. This site allows for public records searches plus information that can make people searches a piece of cake online.

How can I use White Pages Camden, NJ?

 Free white pages Camden can be utilized through a name search, phone number search and residential search. You can get the two other types of searches listed if you use of the three. All you have to do is fill in the information on the search box and results are returned immediately.

What is Totally Free White Pages Camden?

This is a people search website that not only let you lookup people but also offer details that can make your search easy both on and offline. So from here you be able to search for people and be equipped with search tips that work.

Additional Information about Camden, NJ

Camden Demographic Data

Population: 75,550

Households: 25,192

Household size: 2,89

Household Income: $60,487

Median Age: 28,9

Race: 5,9 % white,  41,0% black, 3,0% Asian,  0,1% Native American,  48,5% Hispanic.


Cities near Camden

Avenel, Bayonne, Belleville, Berkeley Heights, Bloomfield, Brooklyn, NY, Caldwell, Carlstadt, Carteret, Cedar Grove, Cedar Knolls, Chatham, Clark, Clifton, Colonia, Cranford, Dunellen, East Hanover, East Orange.

Camden Zip Codes

