Scranton, PA, White Pages

Search Directory To Find Name, Addresses & Phone Numbers

Scranton, PA, White Pages

Last Updated on September 15, 2021

If you are looking to find someone in Scranton then free white pages Scranton PA is the place to be. Lookup more Telephone Directory Pennsylvania White Pages  cities for more information on how tom access them and See full White Pages. Found in Wyoming Valley, Scranton is the largest city of the County of Lackawanna, Philadelphia. It is the 6th largest city in Philadelphia. The city has a total area of 25,54 square miles with 25,31 square miles being land area and 0,23 square miles being water area. Population density in Scranton stands at 3,028.81 per square mile.

Most Common Last Names in Scranton, PA

From the list below, pick the last name of the person you are looking to find in Free White Pages Scranton, Pennsylvania.

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Frequently Asked Questions and Answers

What can I find on White Pages? 

White pages offer names, phone numbers and physical addresses. Public records are accessible from this site and so are people search tips that can help better your search online.

How can I use White Pages Scranton PA? 

Processes like name search, phone number search or residential address search are ways you can make use of free white pages Scranton PA. It is possible to search with any of these three listed search options for the other two. Just enter the information on the search box provided and the outcome will be given there and then.

What is Totally Free White Pages Scranton PA?

This is a people search site that allow people search and also offers people search tips to for an online and offline lookup. You can search for a person and learn more about people search processes from here.

Additional Information about Scranton, PA

Scranton Demographic Data

Population: 76,624

Households: 29,528

Household size: 2,41

Household Income: $27,257

Median Age: 36,3

Race:  73,7% white,  5,7% black, 4,7% Asian,  0,1% Native American,  13,4% Hispanic.


Cities near Scranton

Archbald,Carbondale,Chinchilla,Clarks Summit,Dalton,Duryea,Elmhurst,Factoryville,Falls,Fleetville,Gouldsboro,Jermyn,Jessup,La Plume,Lake Ariel,Lake Winola,Luzerne,Moosic,Moscow,Old Forge,Olyphant,Peckville,Pittston,Ransom,South Canaan,Sterling,Taylor,Waverly,Wyoming.

Scranton Zip Codes

