Geneva, NY White Pages

Search Directory To Find Name, Addresses & Phone Numbers

Geneva, NY White Pages

Last Updated on July 18, 2021

Geneva City is in both Ontario and Seneca Counties in New York State. Its water portions are in Seneca County while its entire land portion is in Ontario County. The city’s land area is 4,21 square miles and water area is 1,63 square miles. Total land area stands at 5,84 square miles. Population density is at 3, 000.24 per square mile.

Most Common Last Names in Geneva, NY

If you can’t find the last name in the list, please see the recommended links below

Frequently Asked Questions & Answers

  1. What can I find on White Pages?

Available details from white pages is names, phone numbers and addresses. There are other parts of the white pages that you can use to search for public records and information on how to best conduct a search online.

  1. How can I use White Pages Geneva NY?

A reverse name search, reverse lookup, reverse address lookup are ways you can use free white pages Geneva. You can use one of the listed search options to find information on the other two. This can be achieved by filling in the information you have on the search box and search for free results.

  1. What is Totally Free White Pages Geneva?

This is a people search engine to assist in people searches and also gives information on how to locate individuals on the web and offline. You can either use it to locate people or find information on how to go about a search from here.

Additional Information about Geneva, NY

Geneva Demographic Data

Population: 13,048

Households: 2,490

Household size: 2,25

Household Income: $35,860

Median Age: 37,4

Race:  68,2% white,  8,9% black,  3,8% Asian,  0,1% Native American,  17,4% Hispanic.



Cities near Geneva

Bellona,Clifton Springs,Dresden,Fayette,Gorham,Hall,Manchester,Oaks Corners,Phelps,Romulus,Rushville,Seneca Castle,Seneca Falls,Stanley,Waterloo,Willard

Geneva Zip Codes

