Leonardtown, MD, White Pages

Search Directory To Find Name, Addresses & Phone Numbers

Leonardtown, MD, White Pages

Last Updated on July 13, 2022

Free white pages Leonardtown MD can help you find anyone in Leonardtown online, which is part of the Free White pages. Leonardtown is a town in and the county seat of St. Mary’s County, Maryland, USA. The town is the most famous for the national oyster-shucking championship.

Its total area is 10.04 square miles and the land is 9.87 square miles. Population density is 957 per square mile. Maryland Phone Book White Pages can assist in getting the phone numbers of the person you are looking for.

 Most Common Last Names in Leonardtown, MD

You can utilize the list below to choose the last name of the person you are looking for in Free White Pages Leonardtown, Maryland.

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Frequently Asked Questions and Answers

What can I find on White Pages?

 What pages keep data like names, phone numbers, and physical addresses. You can also find public records through a section from here and details that can assist you on your lookup online.

How can I use White Pages Leonardtown MD?

 You can use free white pages Leonardtown MD by trying a name search, phone number search, or a physical address search. You can search with any of the three types of searches for the other two. Fill in the search box provided and the outcome will be given without delay.

What is Totally Free White Pages Leonardtown MD?

It is a people search platform that also provides the information you can use for people searches both online and offline. This site will let you find people and also offer you tricks and tips that can make your search a smooth sailing experience.

Additional Information about Leonardtown, MD

Leonardtown Demographic Data

Population: 3,639

Households: 1,264

Household size: 2.55

Household Income: $59,646

Median Age: 38.8

Race: 74.7 % white, 13.4% black, 6.2% Asian, 0.0%Native American, 2.8% Hispanic.

Source: https://www.bestplaces.net/people/city/maryland/leonardtown

Cities near Leonardtown

Abell, Avenue, Broomes Island, Bushwood, California, Callaway, Chaptico, Clements, Cobb Island, Coles Point, Coltons Point, Compton, Dowell, Drayden, Great Mills, Hague, Helen, Hollywood, Lexington Park, Love Ville, Lusby.

Leonardtown Zip Codes


Source: https://zipcode.org/city/MD/LEONARDTOWN